Below is a list of approved Limnology and Oceanography track courses for both the Twin Cities and Duluth campuses. A course can fulfill only one core or elective requirement (no double counting). If you want to take a course for which you lack a prerequisite, consult with your advisor, the DGS, or the instructor to determine if you may register. All courses shown as scheduled for a future term are subject to change.
More information about program and course requirements can be found on the Degree Requirements page and in the WRS student handbook.
Duluth L&O Courses
Core Courses (11 credits)
- Limnology sequence (LIM 5010, 5011, and 5013)
- Water Policy (WRS 5101)
- Ethics (WRS 8581)
- Seminar (WRS 8100)
Additional courses from the WRS List of Approved Electives (see the Duluth Courses page)
- Master's Plan A students need at least an additional 11 credits
- Master's Plan B students need at least an additional 19 credits
- Doctoral students need at least an additional 13 credits
Research Thesis Credits
- Master's Plan A students need 10 credits of WRS 8777
- Doctoral students need 24 credits of WRS 8888
Twin Cities L&O Courses
Core Courses (13 credits)
- Limnology (EEB 5601)
- Environmental Chemistry (CEGE 5541, ESCI 4401 or 8401, LAAS 5311, PUBH 6190, or EEB 4611)
- Hydrology (BBE 8513 or FNRM 5114)
- Water Policy (WRS 5101)
- Ethics (WRS 8581)
- Seminar (WRS 8100)
Additional courses from the WRS Approved List of Electives (see the Twin Cities Courses page)
- Master's Plan A students need at least an additional 9 credits
- Master's Plan B students need at least an additional 17 credits
- Doctoral students need at least an additional 11 credits
Research Thesis Credits
- Master's Plan A students need 10 credits of WRS 8777
- Doctoral students need 24 credits of WRS 8888