Water, having shaped the landscape and biosphere, is also interdependent with culture and ways of knowing. This is reflected in the significance of water in our state—the name Minnesota heralds from the Dakota language: Mnisota, "clear water", and Mnißota, "cloudy water".
Those affiliated with the Water Resources Science program acknowledge that our work cannot excel unless we foster the wide variety of aquatic relationships, narratives, and knowledges, and therefore, the wide diversity of Minnesotans.
The Water Resources Science program embraces diversity and inclusion, ensuring its students achieve academic success. Through resources, initiatives, and spaces for dialogue, our goal is to create workplace and classroom experiences that promote academic richness through cultural diversity and are free of intolerance and coercive behaviors.
We are committed to:
- Maintaining a supportive and inclusive environment with zero tolerance for harassment and bullying.
- Inviting and encouraging diverse perspectives through active recruitment of underrepresented perspectives in admissions and collaborations.
- Identifying and working together toward elimination of cultural, structural, and institutional barriers to inclusivity and success.
- Listening to feedback, engaging in dialogue, and learning from our mistakes.
- Continuously re-evaluating our program so that it reflects diverse ways of understanding our world.
If you identify contradictions to this commitment, we urge you to contact the WRS program office at [email protected] or 612.624.7456.