Duluth Courses

Below is a list of approved courses on the Duluth campus. A course can fulfill only one core or elective requirement (no double counting). If you want to take a course for which you lack a prerequisite, consult with your advisor, the DGS, or the instructor to determine if you may register. The list is subject to change depending on availability of courses. 

More information about program and course requirements can be found on the Degree Requirements page and in the WRS student handbook.

If you are interested in pursuing a degree in our Limnology & Oceanography track, please see the Limnology & Oceanography Courses page.

Core Courses

  • Master's and Doctoral students are required to take one course in each of the 6 core areas (equals at least 13 credits)
  • Courses offered on both the A-F and S/N grade basis must be taken A-F with a minimum grade of C-.
Core AreasCourse NumberCourse OptionsTypically Offered
HydrologyCE 4228Watershed Engineering (3 crd)Annual (F)
HydrologyEES 5201Watershed Hydrology (3 crd)Annual (F)
HydrologyEES 5250Hydrogeology (4 crd)Annual (F)
HydrologyGEOG 4446Water Processes and Management (3 crd)Periodically (F)
HydrologyLIM 5101Physical Limnology (3 crd)Even Years (Sp)
Environmental ChemistryCE 5241Water Chemistry (3 crd)Annual (F)
Environmental ChemistryCHEM 5150Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry (3 crd)Odd Years (Sp)
Environmental ChemistryCHEM 5212Advanced Environmental Chemistry (3 crd)Even Years (Sp)
Environmental ChemistryCHEM 5725Data Analysis and Communications for Natural SciencesAnnual (F)
Environmental ChemistryLIM 5102Chemical Limnology (3 crd)Even Years (Sp)
LimnologyBIOL 5833Stream Ecology (3 crd)Even Years (F)
LimnologyBIOL 5861Lake Ecology (3 crd)Annual (Sp)
LimnologyLIM 5010Limnology 1 - Integrated Approaches to the Study of Inland Waters (3 crd)Annual (F)
LimnologyLIM 5103Geological Paleolimnology (3 crd)Odd Years (Sp)
Water PolicyWRS 5101Water Policy (3 crd)Annual (Sp)
SeminarWRS 8100Interdisciplinary Seminar in Water Resources (.5 crd)
**UMTC version only!!
Annual (F)
EthicsWRS 8581Research and Professional Ethics in Water Resources and Environmental Science (.5 crd)Annual (Sp)

WRS Approved List of Electives

  • Plan A Master's students need at least 9 credits from the following list (L&O track needs 11) and 10 Master's thesis research credits (WRS 8777).
  • Plan B Master's students need at least 17 credits from the following list (L&O track needs 19).
  • Doctoral students need at least 11 credits from the following list (L&O track needs 10) and 24 Doctoral thesis research credits (WRS 8888).
  • Courses offered on both the A-F and S/N grade basis must be taken A-F with a minimum grade of C-.
  • Credits from a minor can fulfill your electives. Talk with the Graduate Program Coordinator in advance.
  • NEW....Courses with ** behind them are approved, but will not show in the Electives section in your GPAS. Talk with the Graduate Program Coordinator to request they be moved out of Courses Not Allocated.
Course NumberElectivesTypically Offered
BIOL 4761Ichthyology (3 crd)Periodically (Sp)
BIOL 5201Leverage bioinformatic tools to manage big data and answer primary biology questions (3.0 cr)Annual (sp)
BIOL 5801Microbial Ecology (2 crd)Even Years (F)
BIOL 5805Fisheries Ecology (3 crd)Periodically (Sp)
BIOL 5809Ecological Statistics (3 crd)Annual (F)
BIOL 5833Stream Ecology (3 crd)Odd Years (F)
BIOL 5861Lake Ecology (3 crd)Annual (Sp)
BIOL 5863Ecosystems Ecology (3 crd)Even Years (F)
BIOL 5870Wetland Ecology (3 crd)Odd Years (F)
CHEM 5150Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry (3 crd)Periodically (Sp)
CHEM 5212Advanced Environmental Chemistry (3 crd)Even Years (Sp)
CHEM 5224Advanced Analytical Spectroscopy 
CHEM 5720 Mass Spec 
CHEM 5725Data Analysis and Communications for Natural SciencesAnnual (F)
CE 4213Open Channel HydraulicsAnnual (Sp)
CE 4215Hydraulic Design (3 crd)Annual (F)
CE 4228Watershed EngineeringAnnual (F)
CE 4256Design of Water and Wastewater Treatment PlantsAnnual (Sp)
CE 5216Environmental Modeling (3 crd)Periodically (Sp)
CE 5225 **Urban Hydrology and Stormwater ManagementAnnual (Sp)
CE 5226Water Resources EngineeringAnnual (Sp)
CE 5237Water Quality Engineering (3 crd)Periodically (F)
CE 5241Water Chemistry (3 crd)Annual (F)
CE 5246Environmental Remediation Technologies (3 crd)Odd Years (Sp)
EES 5201Introduction to Watershed Hydrology (3 crd)Annual (F)
EES  5210Glacial and Quaternary Geology (4 crd)Even Years (F)
EES 5250Environmental Hydrogeology (4 crd)Annual (F)
EES 5260Fluvial Geomorphology (4 crd)Odd Years (F)
EES 5510 **Field Methods in HydrologyAnnual (F)
EES 5601Introduction to Stream Restoration (3 crd)Even Years (F)
EES 5603Stream Crossing Design (3 crd)Odd Years (F)
EES 8602Stream Restoration Practice (2 crd)Even Years (Sp)
GEOG 4446Water Processes and Management (3 crd)Periodically (F)
GIS 5572Environmental Applications of GIS Annual (F)
LIM 5010Limnology 1 (3 crd)Annual (F)
LIM 5011Limnology I Practice (2 crd)Annual (F)
LIM 5012Limnology II (3 crd)Annual (Sp)
Lim 5013Limnology II Practice (2 crd)Annual (Sp)
LIM 5101Physical Limnology (3 crd)Even Years (Sp)
LIM 5102Chemical Limnology (3 crd)Even Years (Sp)
LIM 5103Geological Paleolimnology (3 crd)Even Years (Sp)
LIM 5105Research Frontiers & New Directions in Limn. & Environ. Sci. (1 crd)Periodically (Sp)
PHYS 5541Fluid Dynamics (3 crd)Even Years (F)
WRS 5150Watershed Specialist Training (2 crd) - UMTC online courseEvery Semester