Name | Degree | Paper Title | Advisor | Completed |
David Adams | Masters | The Effect of Annual and Seasonal Variation in Precipitation on Temporal Water Storage Dynamics in Six Headwater Peatland Catchments: Marcell Experimental Forest, Minnesota | Salli Dymond | August 2023 |
Nichole Angell | Masters | Cost-effectiveness of aquatic invasive species prevention techniques | Nick Phelps | Sept. 2023 |
David Baldus | Masters | Karen Gran and John Swenson | Sept. 2023 | |
Matthew Bambach | Masters | The Land of Blue Green Waters? Describing the Algal Community Dynamics of Six Minnesota Lakes by Examining Cyanobacterial Dominance and Toxicity | Andrew Bramburger | March 2020 |
Hannah Behar | Masters | Modeling Stream Thermal Dynamics: The Influence of Beaver Dams in a Minnesota Watershed | Karen Gran and Salli Dymond | August 2020 |
Matthew Belanger | Masters | Assessing the Implications of Chloride from Land Application of Manure for Minnesota Waterways | Melissa Wilson and Erin Cortus | June 2023 |
Brian Bohman | Doctoral | Investigating Nitrogen and Irrigation Management Strategies to Improve Agronomic and Environmental Outcomes for Potato Production | David Mulla and Carl Rosen | August 2021 |
Elizabeth Boor | Masters | Chemicals of Emerging Concern in Minnesota Subsurface Sewage Treatment Systems | Sara Heger | July 2023 |
Amanda Brennan | Doctoral | Increasing Transparency in the Implications of Variability in Contaminant Partitioning | Nathan Johnson | November 2021 |
David Burge | Doctoral | Modern Limnological and Paleolimnological Applications of Diatoms in Minnesota Lakes | Mark Edlund | April 2021 |
Emma Burgeson | Masters | Hydrologic Responses to Beaver Dam Removal in the Knife River Watershed | Karen Gran and Salli Dymond | October 2022 |
Katie Cassidy | Masters | The Environmental Impacts of the Use of Potassium Acetate as an Alternative Deicer | Chan Lan Chun | November 2022 |
Ayooluwateso Coker | Masters | Phosphorus in Riverine and Lake Bottom Sediments: Role in the formation of Cyanobacterial Blooms in Lake Superior | Robert Sterner | August 2022 |
Peter Conowall | Masters | A Comparison of The Microplastic Burden on the Ecosystems of Four Inland Lakes in Minnesota, USA | Katie Schreiner | June 2022 |
Megan Corum | Masters | Diel and horizontal patterns in the densities of Bythotrephes, Chaoborus, and Leptodora in a Minnesota Reservoir | Donn Branstrator | Nov. 2023 |
Lisa Deguire | Masters | From Shipping to Swimming: Bacterial Monitoring and Diversity in Ballast Treatment Systems and Recreational Waters | Randall Hicks and Chan Lan Chun | August 2021 |
Nichole DeWeese | Masters | Long-term population growth and food web impacts of the Spiny Water Flea (Bythotrephes longimanus) revealed from sediment records | Donn Branstrator and Euan Reavie | March 2020 |
Chelsea Delaney | Masters | Estimating Lake Water Volume Using Scale Analysis | John Nieber | Dec. 2019 |
Jack Distel | Masters | Identifying the Impact and Efficacy of Watershed Management on an Urban Stream | John Nieber | Feb. 2020 |
Devin Edge | Masters | Photodegradation of Natural Organic Matter in Plume Versus Non-plume Waters in Lake Superior | Liz Austin-Minor | August 2021 |
Leah Egan Schleppenbach | Masters | Cyanobacteria phenology and toxicity across six Minnesota temperate lakes | Chris Filstrup and Cody Sheik | October 2022 |
Mark Ellman | Masters | Effects of Winter Hypoxia on Fish Communities in Northern Wisconsin | Thomas Hrabik | July 2023 |
Jasmine Eltawely | Masters | Ray Newman | Dec. 2019 | |
Zachary Ethier | Masters | Jay Bell and Chris Lenhart | Feb. 2020 | |
Emily Fleissner | Masters | Investigating the Changes in Fish Behavior in Response to Anthropogenic Sound | Allen Mensinger | August 2021 |
Adam Frankiewicz | Masters | Assessing the Effectiveness of Geometric Morphometric Analysis in the Identification of Sphaeriidae (Bivalvia: Veneroida) | Val Brady and John Pastor | April 2024 |
Lara Frankson | Masters | Measurement of Antibiotics in Water and Sediment: Determining Our Antibiotic Footprint | Bill Arnold | June 2020 |
Jacob Fredrickson | Masters | Spatial and Temporal Variability During Radiatively-Driven Convection in Lake Superior | Jay Austin | July 2021 |
Shelbi Hammerschmidt | Masters | Understory Transpiration Rates Following Stand Density Reduction in a Coast Redwood Forest | Salli Dymond | October 2020 |
Kerri Hawk | Masters | Larry Baker | December 2019 | |
Katie Hembre | Masters | The Response of Native and Invasive Aquatic Macrophytes to Water Quality Conditions after Aluminum Sulfate Treatments | Ray Newman | September 2024 |
Elizabeth Hill | Masters | A High-Throughput Microfluidic qPCR Platform for the Simultaneous Quantification of Fecal Indicator Bacteria, Microbial Source Tracking Markers, and Pathogens in Surface Waters and Municipal Wastewater | Satoshi Ishii and Chan Lan Chun | July 2022 |
Audrey Huff | Doctoral | Dreissenid-Mediated Energy and Nutrient Cycling in Profundal Regions of the Laurentian Great Lakes | Ted Ozersky | August 2023 |
Emily Hyde | Masters | Cody Sheik | August 2020 | |
Mitchell Ihlang | Masters | Groundwater recharge in formerly glaciated terrain: Exploring the relationship between frost dynamics, precipitation, and snowmelt in a Northeastern Minnesota deranged drainage basin | John Swenson and Salli Dymond | August 2021 |
Adelle Keppers | Masters | Characterization of Antibiotic Resistant Genes in Two Unique City Sewer Systems | Chan Lan Chun | Dec. 2020 |
Payton Kittaka | Masters | Temporal Fluctuations in Carbonate System Variables of Lake Superior Tributaries | Liz Austin-Minor | June 2023 |
Douglas Klimbal | Masters | Methods for Monitoring and Mitigating the Use of Chloride Deicers | Larry Baker and Bruce Wilson | Jan. 2020 |
Garner Kohrell | Masters | Quantifying the Impacts of Climate Change on Soil Erosion and Runoff in Minnesota Agricultural Watersheds using the WEPP Model | David Mulla | August 2022 |
Katie Kramarczuk | Masters | Optimizing Biofiltration Media for the Capture of Phosphate and the Support of Vegetation Growth | Andy Erickson and Jacques Finlay | June 2022 |
Sophia LaFond-Hudson | Doctoral | Biogeochemical interactions and ecological consequences of sulfur in stands of wild rice | Nathan Johnson and John Paster | May 2020 |
Britta Larson | Masters | Effects of a Sediment Microbiome Augmentation on the Biogeochemistry of Wild Rice | Nathan Johnson and Chan Lan Chun | July 2024 |
Abigail Latanich | Masters | A Risk-release Assessment of Aquatic Invasive Species Using Protist Surrogates In Mesocosm Studies | Euan Reavie | April 2024 |
Jeremy Laurich | Masters | Natural Growing Conditions Related to the Size and Nutritional Contents of Wild Rice Seeds | Nathan Johnson | Dec. 2023 |
Xiang Li | Doctoral | Data Driven Discoveries in Streamflow, Vadose zone, and Baseflow | John Nieber | June 2023 |
Denver Link | Masters | Mercury concentration and aquatic food web alterations associated with zebra mussel invasion in Minnesota lakes | Gretchen Hansen | August 2023 |
Brianna Loeks | Doctoral | Closing the knowledge gap surrounding nitrogen cycling in Minnesota lakes | James Cotner | August 2024 |
Reane Loiselle | Masters | A taxon for every treatment: Influence of nutrient and temperature shifts on Great Lakes phytoplankton community composition | Robert Sterner | September 2024 |
Maqsood Mansur | Masters | Observation and Prediction of Seiches in Lake Superior | Sam Kelly | Oct. 2020 |
Elizabeth (Betsy) McKay | Masters | Ecology of Giant, Sulfur-Oxidizing Thioploca Bacteria in Great Lakes Sediments | Ted Ozersky | June 2021 |
Robert McManus | Masters | Robert Sterner | August 2024 | |
Shawnee McMillian | Masters | Water Chemistry and Microbial Nitrogen Cycling in Wild Rice Wetlands | Chan Lan Chun | December 2021 |
Ashley Murr | Masters | Acoustic Observations of Zooplankton Migration in Lake Superior | Jay Austin | July 2023 |
Kaela Natwora | Masters | Cody Sheik | Aug. 2020 | |
Mohamed Ouarani | Doctoral | Integrated Hydrological Modeling for Sustainable Water Resources Management in Arid and Semi-Arid Coastal Regions: Essaouira Basin (Morocco) | David Mulla | Dec. 2023 |
Alycia Overbo | Doctoral | Sources of Chloride to Minnesota Waters | Sara Heger and John Gulliver | April 2024 |
Tongyao Pu | Masters | Stratification stability of tropical lakes and their responses to climatic changes: Lake Towuti (Indonesia) | Sergei Katsev | Jan. 2023 |
Cole Reagan | Masters | Plan B Project | John Nieber | April 2023 |
Kaitlin Reinl | Doctoral | The Intersection of Climate Change, Watershed Influence, and Phytoplankton Dynamics in Lake Superior | Robert Sterner | July 2021 |
Kirsten Rhude | Masters | Food or Habitat: Drivers of Diporeia sediment preference on a Lake Superior transect | Robert Sterner | August 2021 |
Kasey Rundquist | Masters | Plan B Project | John Nieber | December 2021 |
Benjamin Schleppenbach | Masters | Inventory of spawning redd locations and habitat partitioning among five co-occurring salmonids in the Bois Brule River, Wisconsin | Thomas Hrabik | July 2023 |
Larissa Scott | Masters | Habitat Quality in the Floodplain Following a Channel Reconfiguration Project: Stewart River, MN | Lucinda Johnson and Karen Gran | Feb. 2021 |
Kirill Shchapov | Doctoral | Seasonal community and food web dynamics of planktonic and benthic | Ted Ozersky | Dec. 2022 |
Claire Simmerman | Doctoral | Microplastic Pollution in Agricultural Watersheds | John Baker | May 2024 |
Geordee Spilkia | Masters | Mercury removal in municipal wastewater: The role of TSS and DOM in meeting Great Lakes discharge limits | Nathan Johnson | June 2021 |
Bailey Tangen | Masters | Soil health system impacts on soil hydraulic functions in southern Minnesota | Anna Cates | Dec. 2023 |
Gloria Thomas | Masters | Plan B Project | Sebastian Behrens | Oct. 2020 |
Jason Ulrich | Doctoral | The Varying Effects of Climate and Landscape Changes on Increased River Flows in Minnesota Watersheds | Bruce Wilson | May 2023 |
Tyler Untiedt | Masters | Influence of Water Chemistry and Microbiome on Macrophyte Composition in Wild Rice Wetlands in NE Minnesota | Chan Lan Chun | Feb. 2023 |
Tamara Walsky | Masters | Occurrences and Temporal Dynamics of Pathogens and Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Different Stormwater Reuse Systems | Satoshi Ishii | December 2021 |
Karina Weelborg | Masters | Field-scale evaluation of MN-sourced biochar for comprehensive contaminant removal from parking lot runoff | Joe Magner and Bridget Ulrich | April 2023 |
Amber White | Masters | Identification of Methylmercury Export Hotspots in an Industrially-Influenced Great Lakes Coastal Wetland | Nathan Johnson | Dec. 2020 |
Molly Wick | Doctoral | Influence of identity on human well-being benefits of blue space | Karen Gran and Lucinda Johnson | July 2024 |
Julia Zimmer | Masters | Analyzing Commercial Shipping Docks as a Source for Human and Wildlife Pathogens in the St. Louis River Estuary | Randall Hicks and Chan Lan Chun | August 2022 |
Jake Zunker | Masters | Characterizing Terrestrially-Derived Organic Matter in Sediments of Laurentian Great Lakes Superior and Huron | Kathryn Schreiner | August 2023 |