Examples of the Role of Freshwater Ecology in Fisheries Research

Monday, Sept. 25th, 4pm
  • UMD: Live in 216 SSB.
  • UMTC: 326 Green. 
  • Available via Zoom. 
Heidi Rantala
Minnesota Dept of Natural Resources


At its core, fisheries research is focused on understanding fish population dynamics and maximizing fisheries yields, with limnology playing a supporting role. However, freshwater systems are rapidly changing due to multiple stressors, including aquatic invasive species, eutrophication, and climate change, making understanding systems ecology increasingly important for fisheries management. Here I will talk about examples, from my experiences, that highlight the role of freshwater ecology in fisheries research. Specifically, I will share stories about my work in Minnesota as a lake/landscape ecologist in the Fisheries Research Unit at the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, working on projects related to freshwater food webs and fish habitat. I will also talk about the convoluted path that lead me to working in fisheries!