From Farm Fields to Forests, from Rivers to Great Lakes, from USGS to WRS: Building a career path by following your compass

Monday, Nov. 6th, 4pm

Twin Cities Campus, 326 Green Hall, and via Zoom

Anna Baker
Upper Midwest Water Science Center


There are many paths to and through graduate school, whether you are beginning just out of undergrad or with many years of work under your belt.  This presentation will follow the path of the University of Minnesota’s Water Resources Science (WRS) program graduate Anna Baker from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) to WRS and back to USGS again.  Anna will share background on career opportunities with USGS, how the WRS program provided a pivotal step in her professional growth, and where collaborative research has taken her now.  Come for the research highlights including tracking watershed sediment sources and exploring phosphorus dynamics and their implications for algal blooms in downstream waters, and stay for an interactive discussion of research, collaboration, and developing your career path.