Water, Water Everywhere - Especially across the SDGs

Friday, Nov. 5th, 3pm

375 Borlaug Hall

Jeff Standish


The Sustainable Development Goals were established in 2015 by the United Nations as a global framework that would motivate, organize, and document Nation States' efforts to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. Of the 17 goals "water" is only mentioned in the title of 2 goals - #6 and #14. On the surface, the role that water plays in this global reporting framework for a more sustainable planet and people is just a drop in the bucket. Yet diving deeper into the targets and indicators that comprise each goal, one quickly discovers how pervasive the influence of water issues are across virtually all 17 goals.
In this seminar we will explore some of the ways that aspects of water, like quality, quantity, and access either directly or indirectly affect targets and indicators of various SDGs. Come with your questions and interests, as we will have ample time for discussion.