An Introduction to EPA-GLTED’s Watersheds and Water Resources Branch

Mon. Nov. 18th, 4pm

Duluth: Speaker will be live in 216 SSB
St. Paul: Gather in 326 Green
Or, view remotely

Anna Hess
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency


The Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Research and Development provides data, tools, and information that form the scientific foundation the Agency relies on to fulfill its mission to protect the environment and safeguard public health. The Watersheds and Water Resources Branch within the Great Lakes Toxicology and Ecology Division is tasked with monitoring the Great Lakes Region and surrounding tributaries, advancing research and tools for achieving sustainable and resilient watersheds. Using new technologies to measure responses of coastal water quality to land-based stressors, this research team collects and analyzes data to define our inland coastal systems.

Bio: Geographer Dr. Anna Hess directs the Watersheds and Water Resources Branch of EPA’s Great Lakes Toxicology and Ecology Division. She has previously held ecology and hydrology positions with the U.S. Geological Survey, and the Wisconsin and Minnesota Departments of Natural Resources. Her work has covered land management, policy development, and research of rare fauna and flora and water resources.  

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