WRS Masters Defense

Thursday, April 20th, 9:30am

Via Zoom

Cole Reagan
WRS Masters Student


Title: Quantifying Ditch Characteristics within Northern Minnesota Peatlands

Abstract: This study investigates the impact of ditching on peatlands in northern Minnesota, focusing on ditch depth, lateral effect area, and volume loss of peat. An elevation-based GIS model was created to provide an efficient and cost-effective approach to estimating carbon loss from Minnesota’s peatlands. Peatlands play a crucial role in carbon storage, water regulation, and biodiversity, but human activities, such as drainage for agriculture and land-use changes, threaten their stability. Previous studies have estimated that 2.3 million hectares of peatlands exist in Minnesota, with 120,000-160,000 hectares thoroughly drained and 240,000 hectares partially drained. Ditching has been widely used in land management, altering the water balance and soil characteristics of peatlands, leading to peat subsidence. This study underscores the importance of understanding peatland ditch characteristics and their implications for peatland management and ecological health.